Triumph Features Details
The little machine with a BIG story to tell.
Ergonomic handlebars, steering, and controls at your fingertips
The most commonly used controls can be operated without letting go of the handlebar
Walk Behind with Drop Down Handles
Dropdown Handles Save the Day
When the going gets tough, PermaGreen steps…down! Your dream machine can handle more hard-to-treat areas than any other spreader sprayer by allowing you to walk behind the machine with the pull of a lever. Once you’re comfortable, simply step back up, and the handles lock back into place. This PermaGreen-exclusive, patented feature also facilitates easy loading/unloading from a van, truck, trailer or carrying rack. Less turf scuffing and damage and a safer system for you.
Low Volume, High Production
Patented Low-Volume Spray system
You don’t need a 1200 Gallon tanker… you need a PermaGreenⓇ. The 12-Gallon liquid capacity of a Triumph can treat an Acre per fill, thanks to our patented low-volume, low-drift spray technology, which reduces the water needed to properly apply most broadleaf herbicides and pesticides.
By mixing at a Quart per 1,000 ft² (optionally ½-Gallon/1,000 ft²), you can slash your costs by driving a smaller more efficient truck and get rid of your hose reel altogether, which saves on time, energy and cost.
What about accuracy and avoiding over and under application that result in customer complaints, service calls and lost business!
Look Ma’…No Booms!
Don’t be fooled by the wide effective spray widths advertised by some other brands; PermaGreems deliver a true effective spray width of up to 8 feet wide with one broadcast nozzle. Hey! Spraying isn’t rocket science but any freshmen ag student knows that the nozzle spacing is crucial to an even application. Newsflash! A boom with 4 nozzles on 20 inch centers delivers a 6 foot 8 inch effective width-not 8 foot. DUH! And while your at it, sprayers with 2 nozzles spaced 35 inches apart just can’t deliver the even pattern of a PermaGreen either. Makes you wonder what else they don’t know about applying products properly!
The best part is, a PermaGreen doesn’t have booms! So, you can spray the same width (or wider) as the other machines with booms, and you won’t waste time getting off the machine to deploy/retract them, let alone destroy ornamentals with their clumsiness.
Vanguard 6.5HP Engine
Engine-uity At It’s Finest
This 6.5 HP Vanguard horizontal-shaft engine with Noram 2:1 wet clutch, T000711, is simple to maintain and powerful as all get-out. It has an oil bath wet clutch that offers smooth and consistent power like the automatic transmission on your truck, delivering season after season of huge production numbers.
Don’t let the small size fool you; this baby can muscle up hills and over rough terrain, while carrying an acres worth of fert and weed spray. While your competition’s driving 12-23 HP engines and paying double or even 4 times more for gas every day and way more maintenance costs, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. Joke’s on them!
The Triumph features an engine tachometer to give you up-to-the-hour maintenance notices.
Now only $12,497.
Special Order a Triumph with Honda GX 200 Engine
Honda engine lovers
Pinch yourself. You are not dreaming. Available Now. Limited Special Order a Triumph with Honda engine. Now only $12,997.
Honda GX 200 available for Triumph T000701
Smooth Operator
Shock Absorbing, fully articulated design with cushy tires.
It’s smooth sailing from here, thanks to the patented articulating joints connecting the front and rear halves of the machine. They allow independent and fluid movement between the sulky and the main body providing better flow over rough terrain and curbsides, which results in less operator fatigue, superior hillside handling, greater access to the entire property, and more dollars in your pocket. Those Z-heads just don’t get it
A Plug for No Plugging
Our permagreen patented agitator
The patented PermaGreen Agitator goes above and beyond every other spreader in the world to eliminate frustration, wasted time, and poor results caused by clogs and fertilizer build up. Oscillating claws dig deep into each hole to break through clogs and deliver instant and continuous flow of combination products, fertilizer, seed, lime, and salt. Most ordinary spreaders have a “coffee grinder” rotary agitator that gums up the pattern balancer, throws off calibration, and drops fertilizer off of the hood in clumps.
Transform your 3-hole spreader
Transform your 3-hole spreader. PermaGreen owners and companies using LESCO® style 3-hole spreaders can now upgrade to the new revolutionary PermaGreen Agitator. Part # T422400
Added Traction
Wheel weights
Wheel weights provide a low center of gravity and extra traction, stability, and cornering to compliment the tighter turning radius. The Kenda 18-9.5×8 and Kenda 13-6.5×6 tires are also filled with rv anti-freeze to assist the wheel weights and create even more traction and stability.
Remote Controlled Drop-down Deflector
Angled in and adjustable to trim precisely around the property with less product on sidewalks and driveways. Less blowing, too!
Less Fertilizer Build up
Hood Shaker
An oscillating cam shakes excess fertilizer off the hood before it can build up and fall off in clumps which can damage turf. Part # T101937
Reusable Platter
Dual-sided impeller
When one side of the impeller wears out, flip it over to expose a new platter…now that’s good planning!
Patented Spreader/Sprayer System
Patented boomless spray technology available exclusively from PermagreenⓇ
∙ Speeds: 3.5 mph and 5 mph
∙ Spray Pressure- 20 psi
∙ Spray Rate: 1 Quart/1,000 ft
∙ 48,000 sq ft on board
Area treated/ Minute 3 ,000 sq ft in high 2,400 sq ft in low
PermaGreen can spray two widths: Broadcast at 13-Feet and Trim at 4-Feet. There is a pair of broadcast/trim nozzles for High gear and a pair for Low gear. The nozzles are synchronized to deliver the correct amount of spray at two precise ground speeds, eliminating the guessing game and time-wasting adjustments that plague ordinary spreader sprayers.
Squeeze & Spray
Handheld squeeze and spray
The Triumph includes a handheld Squeeze and Spray spot sprayer for the detailed cutting-in that is so important for keeping customers happy.
3rd Hole Cable
3rd hole cable creates even spread patterns
The 3rd hole cable controls the slide plate which allows the operator to adjust amount of fertilizer spreading to the right side creating an even spread pattern. When making border passes and the side deflector is down the 3rd hole can be closed making a razors edge border pass with less product waste.
Tank agitator
Always recirculating
A view down inside one of the twin 6 gallon connected side tanks to see the tank agitator (liquid supply and return) that keeps your products evenly mixed while in spraying mode.
For a Soft Cushy Ride with No Flats
Our standard cushy-soft Triumph tires filled with a polyurethane material that is pumped into the tires, replacing the liquid. It cures into a flexible, durable elastomer that acts as a shock absorber and completely eliminates flat tires.