PermaGreen®: Leading the industry in sustainability since 1981!
(We just didn’t know what to call it back then.)
In 1981, the industry standard spray truck was a 1,000 gallon tanker with huge engines running all day turning a PTO driven pump drenching 3 to 5 gallons per thousand square feet.
We invented the industry’s first commercial-duty battery powered low volume spray system with a 200 gallon tank on a mini-pickup truck that treated 200,000 square feet applying one gallon per thousand with the truck turned off!
We called it “less expensive” instead of “Sustainability.”

They called us ‘Crazy.’
(But Mother Nature thanked us, again and again.)
In 1985, when the industry standard was to tank mix everything and spray it everywhere, PermaGreen patented the twin-hose injection Gun System that mixed a pesticide at the nozzle to target apply rather than blanket chemicals.
We called it “saving a fortune” instead of “Sustainability.”

Few followed our lead.
(But Mother Nature thanked us, again and again.)
In 1993, when the industry standard was pulling a hose, PermaGreen patented the self-propelled walk-behind spreader sprayer that sprayed a quart per thousand square feet and spread granular fertilizer at the same time. It could target apply chemicals and took the drudgery out of the job!
We called it “easy peasey” instead of “Sustainability.”

Again, few noticed.
(But Mother Nature AND our technicians thanked us, again and again.)
In 1997, as the industry drug its feet, PermaGreen introduced the first Stand-on Riding Spreader Sprayer that fit through a 36” gate. Later patents synchronized calibration for precision applications.
We said it did all lawns “better, faster, and easier,” instead of “Sustainability.”

This time all the competition came out of the woodwork.
Oh well. At least they are not calling us crazy any more.
In 2023, when the industry standard is gas powered equipment, we are delivering the battery powered Triumph Riding Spreader Sprayer.
This time we call it, “Sustainability on wheels.”

Mother Nature again says “Thanks, PermaGreen!”
And now, when the industry just piles up their worn out application equipment out back, we are offering a Triumph Trade-in/Recycle program to recycle our customers old spreader sprayers responsibly.
Now that’s a commitment to sustainability!

To everyone we say, “Thank you,” for helping us commit to sustainability.