Synchronized Spray System
Accuracy when spraying and spreading turf products can make or break a lawn care company.
The Triumph’s patented spray system is regulated based on the RPMs of the machine and makes sure the product is going down right and at the right speed. Saving you money and growing your customer base with superior results.
Liquid Tanks
The PermaGreen® Triumph Ride On Spreader Sprayer tanks hold 12 gallons and are two connected 6 gallon tanks that can treat 48,000 square feet @ 1 quart/1000sq ft. Even with the Triumph’s compact and versatile design, an applicator can cover over an acre in turf per fill!
Our Pumps
2 gallon per minute Flo-jet, belt-driven, helps the Triumph spray a consistent 32 oz per 1000 sq ft spray rate
The Nozzles
Broadcast (11-13 ft. wide spray) Turbo Floodjet 1 for high and low gear. Spray up to 13 ft wide out of a single nozzle. Just as wide as many of the larger boom sprayers.
Trim (4-foot wide) Drift guard even spray tip 1 for high and low gear. Accurately perform border pass, parkways, and other tight, hard to spray areas with the Triumph’s 3 ft trim spray nozzles.
With these professional grade spray nozzles, the triumph is pre-calibrated to spray 32 oz per 1000 in both high and low gear.
Spray Pressure
Automatic, non-adjustable, factory set to 20 or 30 psi. The Triumph takes the guesswork out of your spray rate which its mechanically regulated spray system, making sure you put the product down right the first time.
PermaGreen produces an impressive, even 11-13 ft wide spray pattern on 7 or 8 ft parallel center passes using a single nozzle and without the use of a boom. Spray (and spread) an acre in 15 minutes on both big and small properties and with the uniform and even spray pattern, lower the cost of material waste, get better results and get more customers!
Check Out The Triumph Spreader Sprayer In Action On YouTube!