Check Out The PermaGreen® Agitator Upgrade Kit for LESCO® Push Spreaders and PermaGreen Ride-Ons! See It In Action! Fits All PermaGreen® Ride-on and LESCO® Push Spreaders! Easy to Install on LESCO® Push Spreaders! Buy a PermaGreen® Agitator Kit Download Simple Assembly Instructions
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Order authentic PermaGreen parts anytime, day or night! We offer SAME DAY SHIPPING when order is placed before 2:00 PM CST and FREE SHIPPING on ground orders over $50 at our PermaGreen parts store! NEXT DAY AIR NOW AVAILABLE! CREATE AN NEW ACCOUNT TODAY and RECEIVE 10% OFF BY USING CODE “New10”!
2023 PermaGreen® GiveAway Winner Announcement
Watch here to see if you are the lucky winner of this year’s PermaGreen® Ride-on Spreader Sprayer GiveAway!
Soft-Foam Tires
The PermaGreen® Soft-FoamTires! Smoothest riding foam-filled tire on the market today! Our standard cushy-soft Triumph tires filled with a polyurethane material that is pumped into the tires, replacing the liquid. It cures into a flexible, durable elastomer that acts as a shock absorber and completely eliminates flat tires. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICESet of 2 fronts and […]
PermaGreen® will be discontinuing support of Magnums by the end of 2024.
Twenty years ago, PermaGreen’s Magnum was the state-of-the-art spreader sprayer. Today, the technology incorporated into PermaGreen’s latest generation of Triumphs materially surpasses that found in the Magnum. Your continued use of the PermaGreen Magnum is a testament to PermaGreen’s quality and innovative products as well as the technical support PermaGreen provides to its consumers. Today, […]